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Zamru is dedicated to transformative, engaging, joyful and heartfelt prayer. Nearly the entire service is sung out loud, to tunes some of which are familiar and some of which may be new, accompanied by guitar and percussion. Our music is a global fusion of styles including traditional nusach, niggunim (wordless tunes), and piyyutim (liturgical poems) with melodies from Jewish communities originating in Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, and more.


Zamru is cross-denominational and is not affiliated with any of the Jewish movements. The first official Zamru was held December 2009 on Princeton University’s campus.

Zamru is co-sponsored by Center for Jewish Life - Princeton Hillel. We meet in various locations on campus and in the town of Princeton.


Zamru's services are led entirely by volunteers.


Leadership Circle: Margaret Berger, Leah Boustan, Ra’anan Boustan, Ben Edelman, Dean Edelman, Pam Edelman, Melissa Lane, Maya Wahrman, and Brenda Bodenheimer Zlatin. We are grateful for the many years of Rabbi Julie Roth, Avi Paradise, and Debbie Freedman’s participation in the leadership circle.


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At Zamru, Shabbat is a joyful occasion to be celebrated by the entire family. Children are truly welcome.

Please contact info@zamru.org if there is anything we can do to make Zamru a welcoming experience for you/your child.